Depthcore XXXIV - Idio

Posted On: Friday, July 25, 2008
TheDepthcore Collective today releases their thirty-fourth themed exhibition, entitled 'IDIO'. This micro pack focuses on the self, as each artist creates a maximum of two responses to the introspective theme. This release sees some very experimental styles come to the forefront, and is certainly an aesthetic shift from previous exhibitions, featuring exclusive work created by both new and long serving members as they share with you their thoughts and impressions from within.

We are thrilled to profile Matei Apostelescu as 'IDIO's' featured artist; Matei is a dedicated and talented artist who has made wonderful contributions to our releases of the years, and has offered some detailed insight into his personal creative life in this packs featured interview.

As we begin work on the things to come, we hope you enjoy our 34th exhibition.

Justin Maller
Creative Director
The Depthcore Collective

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