Part of what makes Depthcore's Chapter releases so great is showcasing the new talent we bring in every year. We make it a point to invite fresh blood from all walks of life to help keep what has become one of the most established collectives of our digital art movement from being stagnant. In this 2 part special feature, we asked our new recruits to answer three questions to let you viewers know who they are, where they came from, and what they are made of! So say hello to the new guys who help maintain the Depthore Collective as a well-oiled and polished machine!

What's your back-story?
I'm a director and designer of products, platforms, and experiences. I started Internet computing as a 10 year old, keyboarding and mousing my way through comic book illustrations, programming AOL punters with experimental (read: absurd) interfaces, spewing ASCII macro typography, developing Quake I mods, designing levels in Worldcraft, and generally all kinds of time-sinks. As I matured, I learned with a little bit of planning can call these things "storytelling", "branding", or "interactive design". I went to school for film to round things out, and since then I've been designing and building forward-thinking projects for some of the biggest brands in the world. After a the tiniest stint in Philly, I've been firmly rooted here in New York alongside some seriously talented friends and enemies.
What are you planning to do within the next fews years of your career?
After an exhaustive tour through the world of clients and agencies, I'm back to doing what I love the most: my own thing. As of right now, that's a startup I've joined up with down in Tribeca. There are big things planned. Really big. But it's still brewing.
What's your favorite food and why do you find it so delicious?
Mexican or Vietnamese. Or anything that comes in the combined form of "fish" and "taco". Why do I find it so delicious? Who doesn't find it delicious? WHO.

What's your back-story?
Well, I'm this illustration-thing guy, living and operating from the south of Brazil with my girl and my cat. In fact I've only decided to try my life at illustration (even though my background with drawing/creating spans my entire life) a few years ago, and actually I'm devoting my career exclusively for illustration for just the past year and a half! It took me a good deal of time and life experiences to accept that, as art being my natural thing/mojo, pursuing a life in illustration would really, REALLY fullfill my existence. Can't think of doing something else, at all.
What are you planning to do within the next fews years of your career?
If you'd asked me this just a month ago, I'd sincerely give you a different answer than now. The fact that my creative life was kinda balanced between my illustration career and my fine arts pursuits, and this duality have always messing with my plans for my future developments - to wich one I should devote myself the most, etc. But things happened naturally; in the last months, the increasing artistic need for expressing myself through a variety of digital media (not limited to illustration only) was the sparkle that made me take the epiphanical leap, and then I've finally realized that I have SO much more to accomplish through illustration and digital art (in order to fullfill those creative urges), that I guess I'll be developing a LOT more projects in the digital realm from now on (illustration, photography, film, etc.), but always keeping the space for my traditional endeavours.
What's your favorite food and why do you find it so delicious?
You asked this question for the wrong guy!!! I just can't point you one favorite food... dude.. that is a tough one. What a mean question!!! But since I simply need to give you a reasonable answer, I'd say pasta - all those italian recipes blows my miseable mind (and stomach, of course), because it can really be the perfect balance between it's different and delicious ingredients... man, I'm already starving just by thinking about it...! (but I preffer coffee over ANY favorite food)

What's your back-story?
It's painful & heartbreaking. Contractually, I'm not allowed to talk about it - but instead, direct all inquiries to keep your eye out for the Lifetime movie - "Zombie Yeti: Touching Wild Horses (Why I wore Lipstick to my Mastectomy)'
What are you planning to do within the next fews years of your career?
I'm primarily focused on the concept of time-travel & it allowing me to spend more time on my work with seemingly quicker turn-around times. I'm hoping to hit a few new genres & markets. I've challenged a few pro UFC fighters to a group cage match on PPV entitled: "5 on 1: DeathKill 2012". I plan to change genres 6 or 7 times. I am hoping to produce that rare piece that will bring about world peace and it's inevitable destruction. I'm currently working with a famed pinball designer on some classically rad pinball machines - and planning to do some more...
What's your favorite food and why do you find it so delicious?
Eating is a cumbersome process that produces a foul smelling waste byproduct. It's just filthy, I says! ...That said - i like SUGAR!

What's your back-story?
Coming from a military family, I've lived in a few places in my life. The one constant throughout my childhood was my love for drawing. I believe the ever-changing landscape of cities and faces bred a curiosity and imagination in me that I carry into my work. I weave characters (typographical) and characters (monstrous) together to create emotionally driven stories.
What are you planning to do within the next fews years of your career?
I would simply like to have more control over what kinds of projects I take on. Right now, I try to take on everything that comes my way. Unfortunately, that sort of mentality can lead to pretty uneven work/life balance.
What's your favorite food and why do you find it so delicious?
Pizza, because pizza is basically a delivery system for any food you want!

What's your back-story?
My name is Diego, from the Earth, and my desire to do something creative in this life grew up watching a lot of Japanese animation, American movies and music videos that came to me during the 90’s. Nowadays I’m an illustrator, graphic designer, or visual artist - if like to put it in that way -, enjoying a lot working with digital graphics and looking for adventure in different countries and cities to get experience in the field, exploring different cultures, knowing different people, and different ways of life.
I need to keep my mind & hands busy, but I like to doing it in different places. I’m currently living in Madrid (Spain), but the next time you will read me I’ll be probably in a different location.
What are you planning to do within the next fews years of your career?
I will keep working hard and doing creative things...but probably will spend a couple of years living in some place near to the beach; I like the sea, the sun, and breathing fresh air. I want my career to explode in a couple of years, and If it’s possible then, traveling through different countries in Asia and explore their cultures.
I plan to release a graphics book, install myself in a more comfortable studio, and keep tasting coffee and music everyday. Hope it sounds good for you!
What's your favorite food and why do you find it so delicious?
JÃcama. It’s a native mexican tuber, very similar to the potatoe (which is one of my favorites too). It is special because it tastes to the Earth, like the most pure food that the planet can provide us. Very cold It’s delicious and resfreshing, It can be combined with everything (trust me, everything), and I like to eat it with different spices as chile, black pepper, oregano... My favorite way to combine the JÃcama it’s with pasta and natural white cheese.
On the other hand I freaking love every fruit, all of’s just awesome. Kiwis, pineapple and watermelon on the top. Continued in Part II.