Eric Sin Interview

Chapter XXV: Freestyle II

  Posted by  \  — on May 12, 2006
Eric Sin
us flag Los Angeles, CA / United States
Eric Sin

Justin Maller (ekud)

Tell us a bit about yourself.

Eric Sin (aos)

Uh.. well, I'm a 17 year old student at Walnut High School in So-Cal, US. Aside from art, my main hobbies are dancing.. and music. I started art in late 2003 and learned about depthCORE and basically strived to improve my art.

Justin Maller (ekud)

Name three designers who's brains you would like to keep on a shelf.

Eric Sin (aos)

Mike Cina, Jens Karlsson, and Ehren Kallman

Justin Maller (ekud)

What are your top three design related goals?

Eric Sin (aos)

1) Get into an Art Collge, (Pasadena Art Center)
2) Become a professional
3) Leave inspiring works of art behind.

Justin Maller (ekud)

Explain depthCORE in seven words.

Eric Sin (aos)

An artistic outlet for talented digital artists.

Justin Maller (ekud)

Who are you three personal heroes?

Eric Sin (aos)

Well, personally, I don't have many heroes or people I look up to. However, in terms of dancing, art, and music, they would include: Lee Minwoo (dancer), Benny Luk ( and the guy who invented Ctrl+Z.

Justin Maller (ekud)

If you went to war, what the hell would you wear?

Eric Sin (aos)

A black suit, with a black top hat, black gloves, black cane, and a pistol.

Justin Maller (ekud)

What are your three top priorites?

Eric Sin (aos)

My Family, The someone special to me, and my three passions. (Art, music, dancing)

Justin Maller (ekud)

Name your top four favourite musical inspirations.

Eric Sin (aos)

I'm not too knowledgeable on the music area lately, as all i listen to are K-POP and some hip-hop, but for those who know some, here are my musical inspirations: H.O.T, Alston, Daft Punk, and any group/artist who can come up with sick beats.

Justin Maller (ekud)

Name your top two non-musical inspirations.

Eric Sin (aos)

Reading and writing. I love books. I suppose the other... never mind.

Justin Maller (ekud)

Who is the most awesome person ever, and why?

Eric Sin (aos)

The man who created Adobe. Seriously, where would we be right now without him?

Justin Maller (ekud)

Have a drink with two people. Who are they, and why?

Eric Sin (aos)

I don't drink, but I'd love to have an intellectual discussion with Stalin and Hitler, to delve in their contrasting minds and their viewpoints, similarities and differences. Nah, I just want to be a cool dictators.

Justin Maller (ekud)

What game can you simply not be beaten at?

Eric Sin (aos)

Super Smash Bros. I rock that game hardcore.

Justin Maller (ekud)

Name the top activity that you believe should be an Olympic event.

Eric Sin (aos)

Man, I think art should be an Olympic event, where we'd have teams and art is created in front of a huge crowd and the better piece is selected. YEAH. Otherwise, a bboy/popping battle between countries and their crews.

Justin Maller (ekud)

Top three things you'd take to a desert island?

Eric Sin (aos)

A Laptop, Wireless Satellite Internet PC card, and food.

Justin Maller (ekud)

What is at the top of your most played list on your ipod?

Eric Sin (aos)

I'm too poor to afford an iPod, but I do have iTunes. The track is called "Bump" by Lee Minwoo.

Justin Maller (ekud)

Describe your bed.

Eric Sin (aos)

Huge, two pillows, three bedsheets, portable dvd player hooked by the side.

Justin Maller (ekud)

What are the last three books you read?

Eric Sin (aos)

The Great Gatsby, The Da Vinci Code, That was then, This is now.

Justin Maller (ekud)

Your famous last words?

Eric Sin (aos)

Korean people do not have small _______.

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