Gavin McGinn Interview
Chapter IV: Nemesis
Other Interviews
- Ari Wenkle
Chapter XLV: Primal - Lucas de Alcântara
Chapter XLIV: Echoes - Vesna Pesic
Chapter XLIII: Time - Niklas Lundberg
Chapter XLII: Obsolete - Karan Singh
Chapter XLI: Mirror - Raphael Vicenzi
Chapter XL: Mythic - Rik Oostenbroek
Chapter XXXIX: Eve - David Mascha
Chapter XXXVIII: Freestyle IV - Jonathan Foerster
Chapter XXXV: Noir - Matei Apostolescu
Chapter XXXIV: Idio - Kervin Brisseaux
Chapter XXXIII: Requiem - Cristiano Siqueira
Chapter XXXII: Temple - James Wignall
Chapter XXXI: Freestyle III - Theo Aartsma
Chapter XXX: Empire - Ikaruga
Chapter XXIX: Untitled Dreams - Bart van Leeuwen
Chapter XXVIII: A Trip to Elsewhere - Jeff Huang
Chapter XXVII: Vivid - Eric Sin
Chapter XXV: Freestyle II - Gavin Hislop
Chapter XXIV: Calibre - Christian Jehle
Chapter XXIII: Lounge - Justin Maller
Chapter XXI: Deluxe I - Gavin Moore
Chapter XX: Voodoo - George Smith
Chapter XVIII: Human - Antti Sinisalo
Chapter XVII: Freestyle - Justin J. Bacon
Chapter XVI: Element - Nik Ainley
Chapter XV: Habitat - Bart van Leeuwen
Chapter XIV: Verve - Alistair Uz
Chapter XIII: Infinity - Bharani Kumar
Chapter XII: Evolution - J Braam
Chapter XI: Submergence - Vincent Lai
Chapter X: Symphony - Pete Golibersuch
Chapter IX: Technica - Thomas Larsson
Chapter VIII: Fantasy - Alston I. Cabral
Chapter VII: Re-Birth - Tony Graf
Chapter V: Foundry - Gavin McGinn
Chapter IV: Nemesis
Justin Maller
I'm talking with Gavin McGinn, aka verion (Gavin McGinn), depthCORE's 4th featured artist. How are ya Gav?
Gavin McGinn
Doing good, just woke up, and right now besides the obviousm, i am contemplating whether or not to go to Denny's for breakfast with my family
Gavin McGinn
and you?
Justin Maller
eh, im not bad. its one in the morning, i figure i'll interview you then work on some tracks/pics for dC :)
Justin Maller
anyway, are you REALLY 14?
Gavin McGinn
yep, started high school this year

Gavin McGinn
i've got a realy bad student ID card i could scan in for any non-believers
Justin Maller
how and when did you make your start in abstract?
Gavin McGinn
well, it all started when i was into music creation on the computer, i needed something to play it on, used winamp, then i looked through different skins and wanted to make my own
Gavin McGinn
first i used Adobe Photodeluxe, and then wanted Photoshop, which a friend had...mad balln props to him
Justin Maller
i bet :)
Gavin McGinn
then it turns out that i have yet to make 1 skin
Justin Maller
how ironic! skinning has never been my bag either. what are the tools of your trade?
Gavin McGinn
well, i originally started with photoshop, then i recieved 3ds max, and only now i'm i starting to use that for whats its for
Justin Maller
self taught?
Gavin McGinn
mostly, i started out using some tutorials, but i was hoping they'd teach my all the abstract i saw on gmunk, weworkforthem and such, so they were quickly abandoned
Gavin McGinn
i think i learned to make a tentacle from tutorials :)
Justin Maller
still haven't read that one myself :).... what do you forsee in the future for depthCORE?

Gavin McGinn
um.. increasing goodness of our current statusness...i also forsee new pieces and new skins
Justin Maller
thats a poor attempt dude... lol
Justin Maller
anyways, where do you see YOUR art going?
Gavin McGinn
currently, i'm experimenting in motion graphics, and spending more time in my 3d models, and i'm in the process of making some commercial and personal sites
Justin Maller
who would you like to spend a day as?
Gavin McGinn
probablya proffesional guitarist
Justin Maller
you're after the groupies? :)
Gavin McGinn
more the day of coming up with songs from his/her head and writing them down, then they're mine :)
Gavin McGinn
dishonest, but this isn't gonna happen
Justin Maller
lol.... dodgy bastard... i'd at least be in it for groupies... anyway who is your ideal collab partner?
Gavin McGinn
probably some of these guys from these computer animated movies and special effects
Gavin McGinn
i watch my "Toy Story" behind the scenes
Gavin McGinn
but i have had the pleasure of being put on hold for a collab with some pretty awesome artists from the digital art world
Justin Maller
such as
Gavin McGinn
me and cubadust have a collab to finish
Gavin McGinn
dstrukt if he still remembers :)
Justin Maller
fair enough. whats your favourite piece you've seen released with depthCORE so far? (not neccessarily your own)?
Gavin McGinn
probably weirdone's piece from the first release, or some of the skins by siron
Justin Maller
good call.
Justin Maller
well gav, thanks a lot for chatting with us, its been a pleasure
Gavin McGinn
thank you too
Justin Maller
any last words?
Gavin McGinn
about anything?
Justin Maller
go for it
Gavin McGinn
i've been wondering if william shatner is double jointed, e-mail your thoughts somewhere
Justin Maller
lol...thanks gav, catcha!
Gavin McGinn
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