Announcements from The Depthcore Collective administration.
Desktopography 2012!
The annual exhibition of nature themed wallpapers has arrived, feast your eyes on Dekstopography 2012!
Saddo & Aitch Print Sale!
Saddo & Aitch are having a fundraising print sale to attend their forthcoming show in Canada!
Depthcore Rookies Part II
The second part of this extensive feature, getting to know the rest of our new recruits!
Depthcore Rookies Part I
Get to know the new faces of Depthcore that have helped this new chapter shine!
Chapter XLIV - "ECHOES" is Live!
After an eight month wait, The Depthcore Collective unveils it's 44th Chapter "ECHOES"...
Chapter XLIII - "TIME" Goes Live
The Depthcore Collective is proud to release it's 43rd themed chapter exhibition, "TIME". As we near our 10th anniversary...
Depthcore joins Creative Catalyst
Veer have launched the Creative Catalyst competition and Depthcore's own Justin Maller is heading up the judge panel...
Perttu Murto joins DC Staff!
Long time Depthcore member Perttu Murto has joined the staff ranks, lending his experienced eye and valuable skills to our design department, as we continue to expand our visual identity and presence. Welcome aboard mate!
Exhibition Production
The lovely folks at Portland Color are hard at work producing next weeks exhibition!
Depthcore announces first exhibition!
The Depthcore Collective will be opening it's first exhibition on Tuesday July 19th! Read on for details and RSVP..
Live Weekly Monday Broadcasts
Good news for UStream fans out there; Depthcore's Creative Director Justin Maller will be hosting a live weekly broadcast, every Monday at 8PM GMT.